Food, Diet & Nutrition

The 3 essential necessities for life are in this order; water, then food and movement/exercise.  Rule number 1, this is the most important lesson I will every teach you. Water, water and more water all day every day.  Start every day with 1-3 glasses of water. It is essential to hydrate today for tomorrow, mainly drinking from when you wake till 2pm, which is when most people start to drink less water. Ensure your body is not suffering and functioning in a negative dehydrated state. Drink WATER for weight loss and life force.


“I was introduced to the BodyTrance program a year and a half ago and have been applying this to my day to day lifestyle. Due to all my international travel and business commitments I have been too busy to have a ‘general fitness training / gym program’. I have simply applied the BodyTrance methodology and have lost and  kept off more than 25 kilos since.

Brett Head – Program Director